Lone Mountain Viaduct (CMGC)
Owner: University of San Francisco Location: San Francisco, CA

Project Overview
The Lone Mountain Viaduct Project utilized the CMGC process with an integrated project team to collaborate on the best design and constructability options available to rehabilitate a 17 Span, 16 Pier, and two Abutment viaduct. Work consisted of replacement of elastomeric pads, bearing plates, and anchors at each pier and abutment after heavy hydraulic jacking and load transfer operations lifted the superstructure from the substructure. This allowed the installation of new hardware at each of the pier caps. In addition to the hardware repair, the team installed new 110 KIP lock-up devices, and tension rod assemblies at the fixed side of the pier. Malcolm International performed extensive concrete repairs throughout the substructure and superstructure of the viaduct. After all structural work was completed the viaduct received a polyester concrete deck overlay. There was a total of 134 bearings that required replacement, 67 lock-up devices that were installed, and 67 tension rod assemblies installed to restore the structural integrity of the viaduct.
“Malcolm International was chosen over the other CM/GC Contractors because of your ability to self-perform most of the work, which I believe greatly reduces the risk for us and provides schedule certainty.”
– Mike London, Director of Capital Improvements, USF (Retired Construction Attorney)